Family Law
No area of the law is more emotionally charged than family law. Even under the best of circumstances, divorce and custody litigation are likely to be one of the most difficult and painful experiences you will ever be called upon to deal with. The outcome of a custody case can affect the futures of the parties and their children for many years to come, if not forever. Likewise, property division issues can impact your financial future in ways that may not seem apparent now. Unfortunately, the emotional toll exacted by divorce can put you in the least favorable frame of mind to make decisions concerning your and your children’s future.
It is vitally important that you have an attorney in your corner with the knowledge, experience and financial know-how to see you through the critical decisions you will make during this difficult period.
Your attorney should be well versed in civil trial law and the various alternatives to trial, including arbitration and mediation. Many clients and attorneys lose sight of the fact that, after the papers are signed and the ink is dry, 2 adults still have to find a way to co-parent their children. Divorce is the end of a marriage, but not the parent-child relationships. Our attorneys focus on your needs and those of your children in seeking a resolution of your case that protects your future with the least amount conflict possible. Make sure your attorney has the experience necessary to understand these all-important facts and, to the extent possible, preserve the ability of the parents to interact civilly and with the best interests of their children at heart.
At the Law Offices of Keith P. Miller, PC, we handle the following types of family matters:
- Uncontested Divorce
- Contested Divorce
- Enforcement of Visitation Rights
- Child Support Enforcement
- Modification of Child Support, Visitation Rights, and Child Custody
- Adoption
- Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
- Guardianships
- Paternity Testing
- Suits to Establish Child Support and Visitation for Unmarried Parents